Ines-Issa Villido

Cigarette butt SUP

Paddle board art
#ILSbuttboard (stand up paddle board)

#ILSbuttboard (stand up paddle board)

Made for I Land Sound festival in 2020.

Cigarette butts used were collected during the I Land Sound Festival in 2019 in Illiku, Saaremaa, Estonia.

  Board made by John Kaju, artwork on top by me from cigarette butts and the stand was desgined by Laura Pormeister.

Board made by John Kaju, artwork on top by me from cigarette butts and the stand was desgined by Laura Pormeister.

 Me and the SUP in progress.    Picture here and above taken by Dima Kalenda.

Me and the SUP in progress.

Picture here and above taken by Dima Kalenda.