Ines-Issa Villido


b. 1986, HK.

Ines-Issa Villido

I’m an artist from Estonia (b. 1992). I graduated from sculpture studies (BA) in Pallas University of Applied Sciences in Tartu, Estonia in 2017. In 2022 I gratuated from Tallinn Univesity of Technology’s MSc studies in Technology of Wood, Plastics, and Textiles, concentrating my studies on plastic engingeering. My diploma thesis work based on finding a way how to recycle cigarette butt waste into reusable plastic material. These studies led me to establish the company Filaret, which is collecting and upcycling cigarette butts into 3D printing filament - turning the toxic waste into something useful again.

My aim is to combine the learned scientific knowledge and my creativity to design impactful works of art and products, which have an underlying environmental and educational messages.

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I am fascinated by the connectedness and devastated by the conflicting relations between humans and the natural world. I love being in nature and the oneness of it. It’s my main source of inspiration. I’ve grown up playing in the forest and I’ve been taught to respect my surroundings in the wild. All this combined has led me to process my ideas into environmentally themed works.

In recent years I’ve used waste materials like fishing nets, cigarette butts and found garbage to create thought-provoking sculptures. My artistic aim is to use less “new” materials and more of the old, for example waste and garbage, recycle materials, and use as much natural materials as I can. I’m on a journey to find the best practices on how to create meaningful environmental works by creating less waste in the process.